Daniela Reis do Nascimento

Beautiful, modest and housewives? Performances of intimacy on the clash of meanings of being a woman 

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guilherme Nery

This study discusses the effects of discourses and performances of intimacy in the public sphere. To that end, it selects as an object the discursive constructions about women produced in the context of the controversy “beautiful, demure and housewife”, born of a profile story of Veja magazine about the current first lady of Brazil, Marcela Temer. The corpus, therefore, is not limited to that story, but also includes the manifestations about this controversy in online social networks. The research begins with a survey of the various meanings of the public and private dichotomy. This stage results in a journey through the timeline, which focuses on the West as a whole, and in Brazil, in a specific way, in order to understand how the external cultural heritage articulates with characteristics of the country to create its own institutionalizations of intimacy. Subsequently, the media relations with politics, spectacle, cult of personality and construction of public image are investigated and problematized. Finally, a case study is conducted through a combination of methods that includes certain Theories of Communication and part of the conceptual device of Discourse Analysis. From the foundations implemented by this approach it is hoped to lay the basis for a deep understanding about the performative discourses of intimacy.

Keywords: intimacy; effects of meaning; discourse; everyday life; public sphere.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6688

Débora Ribeiro Gonçalves

Gamification to engage in M-Learning: motivation and participation in distance education

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexandre Farbiarz

The gamification of the foundations of the game are linked to pleasure and fun, to break down elements that engage and motivate people in situations that are not game. Therefore, it has been promoted as an instrument in the most diverse mediations of daily life and in its communication processes, including as a promise of rupture of the old educational models, becoming part of a new paradigm. In this paper, we present the results of the study of digital and digital communication (TDIC) in order to extract the applications of Applications in Distance Education. This dissertation aims at the exercise of competency gamification abilities to enhance the motivation, engagement and retention of students in the EaD. In this sense, the issues that are part of a strategy of promoting or enhancing, through communication, a teaching tool and elements of fundamentals and elements of the games that preponderate as processes, are addressed, so that such practices can be applied in the EAD that disposes of the use of mobile devices. For this, first, a bibliographical review, were introduced the main authors of the game, the gamification, the elements of the game in the engagement and the motivation and as approaches on the motivational aspects; and at the same time, a categorical analysis was applied to the corpus, composed of a selection of SBGames papers, between the years 2012 and 2017, addressing the topic of gamification, totaling 44 papers. The papers did not show a clear result for solving the problem of student avoidance in the EaD. Two papers revealed that the elements of games “interaction”, “narrative” and “collaboration” were important for achieving intrinsic and extrinsic engagement and motivation. The affectivity between people was part of the communication. The use of mobile devices has aided in learning.

Keywords: gamification;engagement;m-learning, EaD;media-education.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/8829

Fernanda Angelo Constantino

“Five reasons we should be a match”: the managing of impression on Tinder

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Emmanoel Ferreira

This work seeks to discuss self-performance in the application Tinder, focusing mainly on the concept of impression management developed by Erwing Goffman (2002), in his work “The Representation of the Self in Everyday Life.” Impression management refers to how subjects construct their self-presentation from the other’s look, trying to manage the impression they have of the narrative exposed. For the elaboration of this work, 100 profiles of male users were analyzed and interviews were carried out with 8 female users, in order to understand how they receive the narratives of presentation of male users. Based on the empirical research, some important questions about Tinder performance were perceived: 1) the concern with authenticity, both in the sense of originality in the creation of the profile and in relation to the honesty of the information exposed therein (such scenario influences the construction of a narrative of self made on the threshold between a self-promotion and an authentic profile); 2) the search based on stereotypes, in a context where there are few social cues that allow to evaluate the other at the moment of interaction; 3) the presentation of self from the management of the impression that is to be transmitted, bringing the perception that the self exposed there will be confirmed in a second moment, and bringing the search for vestiges and ruptures of such presentations in other contexts online, like other sites and social networking applications.

Keywords: Identity; Performance; Impression Management; Tinder.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6651

Filipe Mello de Souza Cabral

Research on Media and Daily Life in the context of Latin American critical tradition in Communication

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Marco A. F. Schneider.

This work has as object the research in Media and Daily life in the context of the Latin American critical tradition of Communication. Its general objective is to understand how the research in Media and Everyday dialogue with the Latin American critical tradition in communication. Its specific objectives are to carry out a survey and a contextualization of this critical tradition in the scope of the theories of Communication as a whole; and to develop a first self-analysis of the PPGMC/UFF, a program in which this research was developed in theoretical and political-institutional terms, based on the theoretical framework adopted by the PPGMC/UFF, as well as in its founding and institutionalization documents. Methodologically, this is a theoretical research and a case study. It relies on bibliographic and documentary research techniques, and interviews with some of the researchers who created the Program, acting since its inception. The research is divided into three main stages: a) presentation and contextualization (historical and epistemological) of the Latin American critical tradition of communication; b) reflection on the theoretical and methodological construction of theresearch in Media and Daily life; c) PPGMC/UFF case study. It starts from the hypothesis that the research in Media and Daily life can be aligned with the critical Latin American thought in Communication. It is concluded that the hypothesis proceeds and that the research in Media and Daily Life is a new unfolding of this theoretical tradition, as a critical update of the theories of cultural mediations.

Keywords: media; daily; critical theories; Latin America; field of communication.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6589

Juliana Souza Lima

Ruined path: the Hunger Games dystopia as a diagnosis of time

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Emmanoel Ferreira

This dissertation aims to analyze the relevance of the production of dystopian narratives as a reflection of everyday life and its elements from Suzanne Collins’ Hunger Games. Subgenre of Science Fiction, it is characteristic of dystopias to present a plot set in a post-apocalyptic future, seen as a scenario worse than the present time. However, after investigating the stylistic features of the literary genre, the specificities of the narrative, and the relationship that the reader / spectator establishes with the fictional world, we find that the imagined future, far more than creating an alarm for the time to come, uses the imaginary with elements easily identified in the present time, characterizing implicit criticism and dissatisfaction with everyday life. These elements could be understood with the analysis of political-theoretical concepts present in the narrative and the understanding of the representation of reality through fiction and the consequent suspension of everyday life. By the comparison of the dystopian works of the twentieth century with the plot of Hunger Games, we also conclude that the change in narrative protagonism for the female genre contributed to a journey of self-knowledge and strengthening of the main character, a stigma break in the midst of the search for effective changes against the dominant power.

Keywords: Everyday Life; Narrative; Dystopia; Hunger Games.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6639

Lucas Eduardo Lima Dantas

Urban space, the homeless people and their representation: exclusion and meaning behind the media

Supervisor: Profª. Drª. Laura Martini Bedran

The investigations proposed in this work sought to reflect on the representation of the Population in Street Situation (PSR) in the media, based on its relation with the urban space, its significations and conflicts generated on the same and the way this group is seen by the media in Rio. It will be searched, initially, a bibliographical survey for the understanding of the urban space as a formation and source of subjectivities in order to apprehend the condition of the resident of the street inserted in it. To this end, the public policies defined for this population will also be raised, seeking to expose the vision adopted by the spheres of power of society on the PSR. Based on this, the research proposes the survey and analysis of news about PSR in the digital media field, where three major communication vehicles were investigated – O Globo, Extra and O Day -, besides the page “Rio Invisível”, located in social networking platform, Facebook, as alternative media. The analysis of the collected material analyzed the representation of this group in the digital information segments, evaluating the way it was portrayed, exposing the strategies and elements used to construct the various PSR representation profiles. The results also sought to reflect on the visibility or even the invisibility of this population to society, the state and the media by occupying the forgotten or unrecognized spaces as active spaces of the city.

Keywords: People on Street situation; Everyday Life; City. Representation; Digital media

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6698

Luiza Cunha Barata

The search for media territories after the removal: perspectives from the Providência dwellers on the olimpic city 

Supervisor: Profª. Drª. Andrea Meyer Landulpho Medrado

Since the intention to apply for the 2016 Olympic Games, Rio de Janeiro has been experiencing numerous urban transformations. Although mega-events have brought different kinds of impacts people who already live in places where they have been realized, corporate media narratives have focused mainly on highlighting such changes in a very positive way. What, as we know, did not materialize in this way for all. The objective of this work is to explore and investigate, through ethnography, “media territories” (Tosoni; Tarantino, 2013) of people who still experience impacts of a process of adaptation to the consequences of the transformations of the city after the mega-event. Media territories are discursive operations performed by social actors whose main objective is to gain advantageous positions within an urban conflict. Based on this principle, we will analyze the media spaces that residents of the Morro da Providência occupy to reaffirm their own history and, consequently, that of the favela in this moment following the removals. From what can be observed, based on two media trajectories that were approached in depth, media production is driven by social networks and is an example of tactical media, reinforcing the ties of residents with the (space) territory of the favela itself.

Keywords: mega-events; favelas; Morro da Providência; media territories; media and everyday life.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6699

Marcela Chaves Barino do Valle

The voice of photographers: an analysis of the civil service and political power of documentary photography in everyday life scenes in Everyday Africa

Supervisor: Profª Drª Patrícia Saldanha

Photography is the central theme of this study. As part of daily life in modern times, the images that reach viewers consubstantiate the concepts and values about that which they illuminate. Therefore, what photography proposes to reveal is problematic, the world through accurate stories, the objective of documentary, but which, however, is often subject to directives, changed meanings, and silencing of the media by the State or Capital. The image of Africa is hackneyed in routine reports that tell the same kind of stories of hunger and war, while muting other possible themes and points of view. In this context, the collective project Everyday Africa uses the political practices of documentary photography to challenge the dominant perception through the addition of new images and stories narrated by their photographers about everyday life in Africa. Therefore, the goal of theoretical and documentary research focuses on analyzing whether photography only reinforces preexisting beliefs or whether it has the power to dispute conceptions and images of the world. The methodology chosen was by bibliographic review and content analysis according to Laurence Bardin. The method applied consisted in delimiting categorizations and series of analysis divided into steps that could include photographers, references, images, and even spectators of the delimited corpus, the profile of Everyday Africa on Instagram, with the clips of the photographs posted in the year 2016. Two lines intertwine in the work, Documentarism and Orientalism, while two concepts permeate the investigative process, Media and Daily Life. Walter Benjamin’s primary theory of photography forms the basis for the development throughout the dissertation, whereas the theoretical foundation is developed with Allan Sekula in Documentarism, Stuart Hall in Cultural Studies, Agnes Heller in Daily Life, Douglas Kellner in the Media, Edward Said in Orientalism, and Kwame Anthony Appiah in Philosophy of Africa.

Keywords: documentary photography; world image; media and daily life; art and politics; everydayafrica

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/8156

Marcella Maria Monteiro Vieira

Vlado (in) present: narrative updates and memory strategies on Vladimir Herzog in social networks

Supervisor: Profª. Drª. Renata de Rezende Ribeiro

In front of the celebrations for the 40th anniversary of Vladimir Herzog’s death in October 2015, the Institute that bears the name of the journalist has published in its pages on the social networking sites Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, a series of images, documents, archives and information in honor of Herzog, whose death was one of the most symbolic among the many prisoners, tortured and murdered by the forces of repression of the civil-military dictatorship in Brazil. These publications, however, may be more than mere tributes. They give clues that they are also possibly more organized forms of work and memory strategies and narrative updates on the emblematic character Vladimir Herzog. This was the research we carried out during the research, which proposes to reflect, from studies of what we understand as a culture of memory, about these updates, which mark a continuous permanence of Herzog in the networks, articulating information of past, present and future in constant flux. To this end, we analyze how the Institute circulates in these networks the ephemeris associated with the event of Herzog’s death, and in this work we highlight the postings of the organ containing the hashtag # vlado40anos, present in several publications of 2015. In these same postings, we evaluate the reconstruction of memories by the Vladimir Herzog Institute, which eventually constitute commemorative landmarks related to the episode. From these narrative updates, we realize that Herzog’s “presence” in social networks, in a more institutionalized and chancelled way by an organization of civil society, can generate countless debates between memories that, before underground, became, from the process of redemocratization, more organized, mixing individual and family memories, personal and collective, and also triggering a series of layers of forgetfulness.

Keywords: Memory; Event; Everyday life; Social Networks; Vladimir Herzog.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/8142

Marcus Aurélio de Carvalho

Community radios in existential crisis: language and affections in the age of the communicating listener

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. João Batista de Abreu

This dissertation analyzes the crisis faced by two community radio stations that are considered projects for the democratization of communication in the state of Rio de Janeiro in the second half of the 1990s. Both are facing a gradual loss of audience and protagonism in the regions reached by their transmitters: Radio NovosRumos FM, from Queimados, Baixada Fluminense (RJ), and Radio Bicuda FM, from Vaz Lobo, Rio de Janeiro (RJ). The main objective is to identify the changes in the language, the radio programming and the use of the digital technologies to identify what would have caused the partial loss of relevance of the radio stations. It was heard 40 hours of programming: 20 of each radio. The results take into account the relationship between language, affections, representations and production of meaning in an era of constant technological changes and in the way of consuming audiovisual content, taking into account the radiophonic language as the guiding thread of the research. The political, juridical and technological issues that make it difficult to amplify the impact of these radio stations are transversal points to the central theme: how the broadcasters try to win an audience, through the potentialities of the radio language, and how they relate to the affections of the listeners.

Keywords: community radio; media; everyday life; language.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/8159

Mariana de Carvalho Ghetti

The use of social networks in the telejournalistic daily production: case study of the Whatsapp use on RJTV 

Supervisor: Profª. Drª. Renata de Rezende Ribeiro

Public participation in the journalistic production process can be characterized, in a wide way, by the creation of mechanisms that enable the audience to be involved in different stages of the creation, analysis and distribution of news. The research proposes to analyze the collaboration of the viewers, through social networks, in the process of news production in television news. For that, we selected as an object of analysis the use of the WhatsApp in RJTV, local news (from the city of Rio de Janeiro) of Rede Globo. Through a bibliographic path in the context of the new media, in the midst of subjects’ everyday life and the modes of sociability that transform space, we aim to explore the tools and mechanisms that enable a growing participation, sharing and flagrant culture that develops new ways of meaning production in journalistic TV making. The empirical part of the research is composed by the case study about the object, from the content analysis of 24 editions selected and in-depth interview with the professional of the RJTV news team responsible for the use of WhatsApp.

Keywords: TV Journalism; Everyday Life; Social Media Networks; Participation; WhatsApp; RJTV.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6647

Marina Roale Fabrício Rodrigues

Meme, my language: The Uses and Appropriations of Memes by Digital Natives to Talk about Everyday Politics

Supervisor: Profª Drª Andrea Medrado

We are living in the midst of an extraordinary expansion of our capacity to share, exchange ideas and exchange ideas, all of this beyond traditional institutions and organizations. Therefore, thinking about the relationship between cyberspace and politics becomes more and more necessary. The scenario is paradoxical, because, while we are experiencing an avalanche of information that disseminates a certain sense of insecurity and chaos, we also experience new possibilities of expressing ourselves in a network, in a participatory culture. Within this scenario new forms of language arise that emerge in different appropriations from different contexts. This new conjuncture allows us to reflect on a new way of thinking about everyday life, as well as identity and politics. Therefore, our objective in this study is to problematize one of the emerging phenomena of today: the memes. Framing the digital natives, also known as generation Z, we seek to understand the new relationships that young people are building with Brazilian politics in the contemporary world.

Keywords: Politics; Everyday life; Digital natives; Z-generation

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/11327

Nara Rosa Meireles

Young people’s representation on TV: analysis on the insertion of youth on Rio de Janeiro’s local telejournalism

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. João Batista de Abreu Junior

Telejournalism performs a fundamental role in the construction of daily life today. It is through it that most of Brazilian population has access not only to news, but to a world vision surrounded by values and concepts. Television came to exist on an industrial scale and on a free-to-air form in the country in the 1950s and has been consecrated over the years as the most consumed mean of communication by society. In this scenario, the way how social groups are inserted in television programming interferes directly in the way how which collective identities are constructed and how these groups come to see themselves and to be seen by others. Youth deserves special attention as a group that has experienced an important process of changes in the last years, concerning the social participation and the desire to propose and interfere actively in transformations. Based on the relation between the news platform with the greater national reach and a social group structured and now aware of the space it can occupy, this dissertation seeks to understand the way how young people are portrayed in daily local television news in Rio de Janeiro and to realize if the opinions and expectations of these citizens are taken into account by the communication companies. The research immerses into an extensive literature review on television and youth, and analyzes 30 full-issue newscasts of the two largest television stations in the country from textual and images content. Opinions and positions of the editor-in-chief and presenters of the news programs are considered, as they are responsible, in large scale, for the final content that reaches the viewers. It gives an overview of the way how youth is inserted in the local telejournalism presented to the capital and the Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro in the hope of raising an important discussion about the representation of the group in the media and proposing a coverage that runs out of common sense and includes, in fact, the young.

Keywords: Telejournalism; youth; common sense; media; daily life.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6652

Patrícia Fernandes Viana Franco Castro

TV, everyday life and neotribes: Colective Consumption, Transmidia and convergency in @NETFLIXBRASIL (Facebook)

Supervisor: Profª. Drª. Carla Baiense Felix

The purpose of this research is to understand how the @NetflixBrasil page on the social network Facebook can be used in and as part of the collective, convergent and transmedia process of consumption of content distributed by video streaming service Netflix. Therefore we look into the connections between audio visual media consumption and everyday life in an increasingly mediated and networked scenario, which happens with negotiations in uses and meanings, linking media-cultural relations to appropriations and resignifications from within. To do so, we conducted a study of netnographic inspiration for six months, analysing interactions on the page and interviewing some of its heavy users.

Keywords: Media; Everyday life; TV; Netflix; Facebook; Netnography

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/8830

Paula Ceccon Thurler

Voices on images: production of meanings from the audiovisual in childhood

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Alexandre Farbiarz

The aim of this research is to analyze the meaning production of a group of children, students of a public school from Rio de Janeiro countryside, regarding the audiovisual contents they watch on TV and on the Internet. The research comprehended the observation of students media habits in Contemporary times, known as its features of being liquid (BAUMAN, 2001) and highly mediated (KELLNER, 2008). In this sense, the research also addressed issues such as the mediations involved in children’s watching process and signs of media critical reading. The field research was separated in two stages, carried out in the school, in 2017, with 48 students of Brazilian 3rd year of Elementary School. In the first stage, individual interviews were conducted with the students, addressing topics such as children’s leisure habits and preferences, the use of mobile media (smartphone, tablet and notebook) to watch audiovisual content and the relation of these contents to the consumption of products connected to them. We verified, at this stage, that children’s content assistance is shared between different media and that sometimes they watch content originating from TV on the Internet or vice versa. We understand that, for them, the content has more relevance than the screen where one watches it. In the field research’s second stage, group activities carried out with some of the students allowed us to verify characteristics of the own group’s meanings production, as well as issues related to mediations and media critical reading. We realized that children produce meaning in a diverse and creative way, often extrapolating the determinism of adult thinking based on common sense. But, at times, they are somewhat absorbed in messages intended by content producers, not critically evaluating them. At this point, we discussed the need for actions focused on Media Critical Education. We also verified the relevance of the mediations in children’s communicative processes, observing that mediations carry strong relations with the senses produced by the children from the contents watched.

Keywords: childhood; media; everyday life; audiovisual; TV; internet; education.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/8128

Renata Nascimento da Silva

Racial hatred obscure mask: segregation, anonimacy and violence on social networks

Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Guilherme Nery

This research analyzes new forms of masking racial hatred in the daily life of the person, especially discussing the construction of racist rhetoric within social media. The objective of this study is to analyze how cybernetic discourses are capable of amplifying racism as well as to verify how the rhetoric acts in the virtual context and can problematizing their role in the surface of new racist attacks forms. The research explores the variants of racism, the importance of alterity and the need of making internet users aware of the spread of racist ideology through jokes, memes and videos. The work also analyzes, based on netnography, how social media, specifically facebook, facilitates the manifestation of segregation, depreciation of black people and low self-esteem of the black people. Thus, the methodological path associates netnography with discourse analysis using, for this, Michel Foucault (discourse), John Thompson (social theory) and Teun van Dijk (textual linguistics). From these authors we therefore adopt as methodological itinerary, Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and netnography to verify how the rhetorical mechanisms of racism take place in the “Black Against Black Movement” and “Black Oppressor” fanpages. These two fanpages reveal the importance of social media in the process of media and political visibility, from recognition to new forms of racist representation that have affected the black activism.

Key words: Hate in Social Media; Racism; Racial Minorities; Segregation; Day to day.

Link: https://app.uff.br/riuff/handle/1/6660