Ana Luiza da Silva Bezerra

Southern Kingdoms: identity, representation and consumption based on “Elena of Avalor”

Supervisor: Ana Paula Bragaglia

This dissertation has as its main goal to investigate how the cultural industry, on which The Walt Disney Company’s productions belong, generate impacts on the representation of gendered identities of Latin American women on children’s animations. To do so, we focused our analysis on the animation “Elena of Avalor” (Gerber, 2016), children focused series that has the first Latin-American princess of the company as its main protagonist. Beyond that goal, we have as specifics objectives the comprehension of market and social practices of the global market of children animations, the exploration of the creative process necessary to develop an animated narrative and the investigation of the possible impacts of female protagonists in contents aimed for children. As theoretical apparatus, we used, mainly, Eco (1994)’s reflections about the acts of creating and enjoying a fictional work; Hall (2016)’s ponderations regarding the historical and theoretical changes regarding contemporary identities; Butler (2018)’s and Lauretis (1994)’ideas about gendered identities; Heller (2018 [1970])’s and Kosik (2002 [1963])’s questions about the place of daily life on the identification processes. Furthermore, it was made a discussion regarding media’s influence on identity as it was exposed on the works of Kellner (2001) and others. At last, we argued about the relationships between colonial violence and media on the construction of the Latin American identify using the works of Ribeiro (2017), Monzo (2015) and Carneiro (2011). We utilized the “content analysis” methodology to investigate our corpus of five episodes of the series’ first season. The collected data agrees with our initial hypothesis that states that usually happens a homogenization process of non-European cultures under Disney’s adaptations.

Keywords: Representation; Media and Daily Life; Animation; Gender Studies; Cultural Industry


Anderson Antonio Andreata

Neoliberal Impacts on Communication Policies in Brazil and Argentina

Supervisor: Adilson Vaz Cabral

The present dissertation seeks to understand how communication policies are created in countries that live in democratic regimes, such as Brazil and Argentina, and how the changes in government from a progressive to a neoliberal characteristic, which took place in the last decade, promoted what is proposed here to characterize as impacts that reveal the dismantling of the achievements of civil society in the area of ​​communication. For this, the work proposes to survey the characteristics of this period (2015-2019) with regard to the political, economic and social dimensions that could impact communication activities: in Brazil, the de-characterization of a public TV; and in Argentina, the setbacks of a policy that was promoting the inclusion of non-profit private media, with more diversity and plurality of social actors in this scenario. What is observed is a change of direction due to governmental reorientations that modify the communication policies according to the inclinations of the government in turn, weakening the policies that should be constituted as State. And, on the other hand, it also affects civil society, based on the critical awareness of citizens, which does not reach a space for participation in all the processes of a public policy for the sector, from the formulation, implementation and control. As a methodology, we opted for document analysis, in order to compare documents that could show the impacts on the laws, semi-structured interviews with participants from both processes, whose narratives were important to understand the effectiveness of the changes and their reflexes in the daily lives of the citizens impacted by them. It is important to point out the observation, in the research process, that it is a comparison between unequals, in which the dynamics in Argentina was taking place with greater participation of civil society, but in both cases there was a stagnation in relation to the topic on the public agenda of these countries. countries, verified until the year 2019, when the research analysis period ends.

Keywords: public communication; community communication; communication policies; neoliberal dismantling; Brazil and Argentina.


Fábio Carvalho Pimenta

The educational hexis of animation in the construction of children’s daily lives

Supervisor: Alexandre Farbiarz

Focusing on the educational hexis, the present research seeks to observe the influence of animation in the construction of children’s daily lives, considering the learning of children of pre-literacy age. Assuming that animation is currently the audiovisual genre that best represents the wonderful tales, the study proves to be relevant insofar as it brings to light the axiological potential of this millenary dramaturgical genre, uniting the audiovisual narrative and the moral of the story. to lively play. The dialogue proposed here seeks to relate the acquisition of children’s knowledge to the educational hexis, linked to the child’s cognitive ability, in the absorption of the universe presented by the animation. In this sense, the study seeks a look at animation concepts such as audiovisual media, tales and their morals, education through educational hexis, and children’s daily lives. From a social representation, animation enhances the possibility for the child to create their own daily life, producing and reproducing the culture, habits and customs of their social environment. In the same way, the short story, through animation, stands as a powerful instrument of education, bringing not only educational content, but content that is axiologically related to everyday life, which can be considered what Muniz Sodré calls educational hexis. .

Keywords: wonderful tales; media; animation; educational hexis; children’s daily life


Felipe Aloísio da Silva Santos

Media and Education: the daily challenges between teaching practice and the political discourse of digital inclusion

Supervisor: Pablo Nabarrete Bastos

This work discusses the theme of media, education and digital inclusion, from a perspective within the school environment where the teacher is the protagonist in the art of teaching and who currently has the internet as a space and means of daily use in their teaching activities. and research. The methodological approach takes place among elementary school teachers at CIEP Margarida Thompson, located in the city of Piraí, in the interior of the state of Rio de Janeiro, mixing different areas. We do not want to limit the subject, but to broaden our view of the common thread that leads us to understand the internet as a social means of inclusion, given that many students do not have access to the internet or do not know how to use the tool to expand their knowledge. . Although we are aware of the limitations of the entire interactive and participatory potential of the network, we understand the internet in education as a kind of cooperative, in which the interlocutors can technically cooperate in dialogic teaching-learning processes that, from the foundations of media literacy and informational, can contribute to the development of critical and reflective education. Our study is theoretically based on the notions of Media Literacy, EduComunication, Critical Information Competence (CCI) and Public Policy on Digital Inclusion.

Keywords: Media; education; digital inclusion.


Hellen Rodrigues Arantes

Fashion Revolution Brasil: conscious consumption in the daily life of Instagram in the light of social advertising

Supervisor: Patrícia Gonçalves Saldanha

Contemporary society has been suffering from the countless socioenvironmental consequences of unrestrained consumption patterns that are part of the population’s daily life. Between deforestation, environmental pollution and slave labor in the most profitable industries on the planet, a warning signal was lit regarding current consumption practices. In this context, conscious consumption emerges and, through a complex network of social actors, formed by Companies, Media, NGOs, Government, Social Movements and Civil Society, has been presenting itself as an alternative to the harmful consumption styles of the last decades. This “network” tends to influence and have different interests with regard to nature and social rights. From this perspective, the work aims to understand the positioning and strategic actions of movements formed by conscious consumers on Instagram in the light of the concepts of Social Advertising in order to verify whether such movements have the power to subvert the logic of hegemonic power. As the concept of conscious consumption is broad and can be present in different areas of life, it was decided to analyze a case related to the fashion segment, as the industry is one of those that most consumes water, generates waste and has a complex production chain, extensive and often inconsequential with respect to human dignity. For the purpose of further reflection on the fashion scene, the corpus of the research will be the Fashion Revolution Week of the Fashion Revolution Brasil Movement, which values fair, revolutionary and transformative fashion. In this sense, the dissertation methodology will consist of bibliographic research and French discourse analysis from the perspective of ORLANDI (2003) studies applied to the three most liked and commented posts on Instagram of the respective editions of the fashion week in the years 2018 and 2019. The main concepts and authors used to support the work were: consumption and contemporary consumer society (BAUMAN, 1999; 2001; 2008), conscious consumption and sustainability (PORTILHO, 2005) and (TAVARES and IRVING, 2009), mediatization (SODRÉ, 2002; 2014), everyday (HELLER, 1985), Social Advertising (SALDANHA, 2018), fashion (LIPOVETSKY, 2009) and discourse analysis (ORLANDI, 2003).

Keywords: Conscious Consumer; Media and Daily Life; Fashion – Instagram Fashion Revolution; Consumer Media Society; Cause Social Advertising.


Janice Morais de Mendonça

Digital technologies and mediatization processes in school daily life

Supervisor: Walcéa Barreto Alves

The thesis presented here is based on the three principal eixis: communication, education and technologies. It brings forward analysis and search results about mediatization and its implication on a public school daily students‘ routine, placed in Niterói – RJ. The study, carried out during the academic year 2018, was developed through theoretical-methodological articulation grounded on bibliography analysis and ethnographic approach field research (ERICKSON, 2001; MATTOS, 2011). The data were analyzed according to analysis content, starting from the representations emerged from the observed situations, considering the perspective of the social stakeholders involved and guided by the Iramuteq software. During researching progress, the results showed that the presence of digital technologies in the school daily routine were beyond the challenge of incorporating them as tools into the teaching and learning process, but were producing new meanings for it from mediatic process experienced and demonstrated in the events observed and perceived through the speeches. These elements point to different ways that indicate the need and possibility to elaborate, develop and evaluate cultural and pedagogical practices capable to achieve the increase of a critical and reflective tendency in technology and media used in daily lives interfaced with learning aspects.

Keywords:  Communication; Education; Daily; Digital Technology; Mediatization.


Juliana Dias Ferreira

Alert networks and the potentialization of fear in the mediatized everyday life: the “Copacabana Alerta” case

Supervisor: Renata de Rezende Ribeiro

The aim of this paper is to discuss the interactions and content in posts in Facebook groups created to share alerts about local episodes of public violence. As an object of analysis, we took the page “COPACABANA ALERTA”, in a content clipping of posts on the subject in 2018, which allowed us to reflect on the new configuration of society – increasingly affected by the media and virtual relationships. Through the perspectives of Maffesoli (2014) and Certeau (1998 [1980]) about everyday life, in addition to the concepts of mediatization and social networks, and also the development of themes such as fear, aggressiveness and “cathartic performances” (REZENDE , 2014) in the virtual environment, it was possible to investigate the hypothesis that, instead of contributing to the feeling of security, the virtual community under study could increase the feeling of fear in its participants. The availability of a questionnaire to be answered by members of alert groups, interviews with representatives of public agencies on the monitoring of these spaces, as well as the development of a bibliographic route of the concept of surveillance were the tools used to achieve a broader understanding of the relations and exchanges developed in the territory in question.

Keywords: Media and Everyday life; Social Networks; Fear; Alert; Urban violence.


Karen de Paula Santos

Hidden advertising as a strategy to strengthen the neoliberal narrative: a critical analysis of social security discourse in the BTG Pactual bank’s advertorials

Supervisor: Patricia Gonçalves Saldanha

This study intends to understand the operation of certain advertising models incorporated in a hidden way to media productions, considering the context of mediatization in contemporary times. We start from the hypothesis that Hidden Advertising, as a media narrative that permeates everyday life, composes a strategy of hidden legitimation for the advancement of market interests based on a discourse of weakening the State, which aims to advance and consolidate the neoliberal system. To this end, we will focus on the communication of the BTG Pactual bank and its respective formats on the Exame website, which structure the bank’s Hidden Advertising, as the object of this research. We will investigate six advertorials published by the bank on the Exame website between two periods: October 2018 to December 2018 and June to July 2019. In this way, the corpus of the research will serve as a basis for analyzing the agenda building of a topic pertinent to ―all‖ Brazilian citizens: Social Security; from a hidden discourse, to maintain the interests of the market and a small social group. In this sense, to compose the methodology, we will investigate the corpus using the methods of Semiotic Analysis, French Discourse Analysis, as well as bibliographic research and a case study with theoretical articulation and data collection on the analyzed politicaleconomic scenario. The media perspective (KELLNER, 2001), mediatization (SODRÉ, 2002; 2014), contemporary advertising (ATEM, 2008), (PEREZ, 2007; 2015), Public Utility Advertising (SALDANHA, 2019); Discourse Analysis (ORLANDI, 2001), Semiotic Analysis (SANTAELLA, 2002) and ethical issues in advertising (BRAGAGLIA, 2017) will be some of the themes studied, for the development of the theoretical framework.

Keywords: Mediatization. Hidden Advertising. Everyday life. Advertorial. BTG Pactual.


Letycia Gomes Nascimento

Indigenous ethnocommunication as a practice of decolonialist and ancestral freedom in the communicative formation of Yandê Webrádio 

Supervisor: Pablo Nabarrete Bastos

With the desire to understand the communication formation of Yandê Webrádio within the indigenous ethnocommunication and their interfaces in the communitarian and citizenship communication that we develop, embraced in the daily influences, in this master’s research. Our reflections are based mainly on the meaning of the term Yandê itself, which in Tupi Guarani means “We, ours”. At the sametime based on the theoretical construction of decoloniality in Mignolo (2017), Quijano (2005), Maldonado-Torres (2016) and Fanon (1961); in addition to the fundamental principles of indigenous ancestry with Kopenawa (2015), Krenak (2019) and Mundurucu (2018). We followed our reflections on communication based from the proposals of Peruzzo (2006 and 2015), Paiva (2003, 2007 and 2008) and Prata (2008), regarding to community communication and with Martin-Barbero regarding the construction of models of sociability and communicative ritual of the original communities. For the fact that we believing that the construction of indigenous communication is formed primarily by its historical subjectivity, as proposed by Morin (2003) as a theoretical guide on the formation of the indigenous community; and the historical review by Deparis (2007), as a starting point to understand the crossings that have passed through them in the last 500 years. In carrying out this research by supporting bibliographic analyzes of these and other authors, we also conducted six in-depth interviews, with ethnographic inspiration, with coordinators and collaborators of Yandê Webrádio in Brazil and Mexico seeking to understand their desires in creating the vehicle and their routines for the production of content.

Keywords: indigenous ethnocommunication, ancestry, community communication, ethnicity, every day life


Luiza Gould de Souza

The ‘art of getting your shoes dirty’ with the social agenda: in-depth reporting and the everyday life of (extra) ‘ordinary’ individuals

Supervisor: Carla Baiense Felix

This study analyzes in-depth reporting about anonymous, oppressed people, but not passive recipients, whom Michel de Certeau (2014 [1980]) calls “ordinary”; about “killable” and unsacrificable lives (AGAMBEN, 2010 [1995]); about the social “invisible” (BRUM, 2006), thus classified by a collective and conscious blindness. We verify whether the discourses constituted allow us to know, in their otherness, women and men on the sidelines. Newsworthiness that reflect this exclusion in the media are problematized, as well as productive routines of journalism. The corpus consists of works that won the Prêmio Vladimir Herzog de Anistia e Direitos Humanos and we used French Discourse Analysis to investigate them. The survey revisits the in-depth reporting through schools that have affirmed the place of the genre, such as New Journalism, but it also provides a counterpoint to dismantle it. It is concluded that the reporting has an undeniable potential to share stories of marginalized lives with the respect that such stories deserve, helping to illuminate the abyss of our society. But, if it is not in the service of the Other, if the adventure is what pleases the reporter or the work tends to the spectacularization of the characters, then the genre will have failed with the search for a complete and integral journalism (MORAES, 2019).

Keywords: In-depth reporting; everyday life; socially marginalized; journalism.


Marcela Rochetti Arcoverde

Dramatized homicide: fragments of violent daily life in Cidade Alerta and Brasil Urgente

Supervisor: Renata de Rezende Ribeiro

This research proposes an analysis of the representation of homicide in Cidade Alerta (Rede Record) and Brasil Urgente (Rede Bandeirantes). Therefore, we reflect on the dramatization processes (COUTINHO, 2012) of the news and how they contribute to the creation of a narrative of the violent daily life. We ponder how everyday life (HELLER, 1989) and the structure of television journalism (MACHADO, 2000; PATERNOSTRO, 1999) are related and how they promote the transmission of “fragmentary” perspectives about urban violence. With the instinct of understanding which narrative structures were used in those police newscasts that adopt the sensationalist language (ANGRIMANI, 1995), we did the content analysis (BARDIN, 2011) of the reports broadcasted by both during the months of: january, may, august and december 2018. We collected 1975 news: 472 from Cidade Alerta and 1503 from Brasil Urgente. Of these, we analyzed 64 reports in depth, 32 from each newscast. From the general observation of the programs, we realized that the news relating specifically to the coverage of homicides occupied a large part of the content of the newscasts: 40.68% in Cidade Alerta and 37.2% in Brasil Urgente. Through a more in-depth investigation of the homicide reports collected, we found that the type of murder most often broadcast on both newscasts was that of passionate motivations, especially feminicide. Thus, through the comparison between what was represented in these television news and the data on the crime of homicide in Brazil, produced by Ipea (Institute of Applied Economic Research), we were able to verify discrepancies between the news of homicide and the “reality” (statistics). These disparities helped us to identify how the homicide narratives are dramatized in these newscasts.

Keywords: Daily life; Murder; Drama; Morbid; Telejournalism.


Paulo Roberto Figueiredo Aguiar Junior

Porta dos fundos  as a communication phenomenon: an actor-network theory approach

Supervisor: Flávia Clemente de Souza

This work aims to identify, from the perspective of the Actor-Network Theory, the factors that led to the phenomenon of the cyberspace humor collective, Porta dos Fundos, on its YouTube channel, identifying in its sociotechnical network the actants (human and non-human), the mediators, the connections, the intermediaries and all the translation existing in the plot, tracing the cartography of the controversies from the opening of its black box. The concepts philosophy of language by Mikhail Bakhtin and his Circle were used as theoretical support for the investigations carried out. The research was delimited in the space-time frame of the first year of the group existence, in an immersion of daily life studies and their praxis.

Keywords: Porta dos Fundos, Media and Daily Life, Actor-Network Theory, Philosophy of Language, Mikhail Bakhtin


Raquel Terto Rego

Female bodies and narratives: daily life and (re) existences in the audiovisual productions of Coletivo Mulheres de Pedra de Guaratiba

Supervisor: Denise Tavares da Silva

The purpose of this work is to analyze the protagonism, poetics and narrative construction of the videos ELEKÔ (2015), QUIJAUA (2016), Fé Menina (2017) and Mar de Elas (2018), works produced by Mulheres de Pedra de Guaratiba collective, based in western Rio de Janeiro city. The aesthetic discussions and dialogue that these works establish with black identity and culture’s history and memory are of interest to the research, contextualizing them in the course of collectives that are built as projects of struggle and resistance in the country. It focuses, particularly, in the processes of identity and construction of an essentially feminine group mobilized by the claim of a black feminine protagonism. These goals imply, for us, in a methodological path that includes, in addition to audiovisual analysis, addressing the gender, race and cultural dimension reviewed by the theoretical and methodological field of the new social movement’s paradigm in the light of a North American and Brazilian bibliography about black feminism. The reason for having chosen this path is the hypothesis that the creative process of Mulheres de Pedra is modulated by the perspective of daily resistance, a territory investigated especially by Heller (1985) and by a procedure in Collective (which we take on to be just and potent), contrary to the racist structural logic and, therefore, of self- affirmation as black women.

Keywords:  mulheres de pedra; collectives; daily; afro-brasilian culture; media.


Robson Sales de Azevedo Junior

Entrepreneurship: an analysis through economic journalism

Supervisor: Larissa de Morais Ribeiro Mendes

This text analyzes how the press describe the entrepreneur, based on stories in which overcoming and meritocracy emerge as solutions to overcome the economic crisis. The central hypothesis of the research is that, in a crash period, the midia uses success stories in the corporate world to romanticize the businessman track to professional success. This incentive to open the business itself is inserted in a context of structural change in the labor market, which has occurred since the 1970s, driven by the increased flexibility of the capitalist production model. Through content analysis, with the observation of framings, we identified categories for the articles to observe contrasts in the stories. The reports were classified through a fluctuating reading and separated according to the frames, which, mostly, described the profile of this new businessman and the ways out of the recession. We investigated articles from the three main national newspapers: Folha de S. Paulo, Estado de S. Paulo and O Globo. The chosen examples were selected from 2017, the year that changes in the labor market was approved by ex-president Michel Temer (2016-2018) comes into force. The media are one of the main organizers and distributors of speeches to society. Based on concepts by Henri Lefebvre (1991) and Agnes Heller (2008), we point to the media as an important tool for orienting everyday life, a place for the construction and deconstruction of society’s values, a kind of guiding thread in history. The media has a fundamental role in the formation of speeches, therefore, it is essential to understand how economic journalism, in this particular case, shows these stories that exalt individualism and overcoming the businessman and how concepts related to entrepreneurship and meritocracy received more space in the economic news in Brazil, mainly from the 1990s with the arrival of liberal governments.

Keywords:  entrepreneurship; journalism; content analysis; newsframe; media.


Tauani Susi da Silva Marques de Oliveira

Representation of black women on Instagram: narrative analysis of the comments on the feed of Nátaly Neri, Preta Gil and Talíria Petrone on Black Awareness Day

Supervisor: Patrícia Gonçalves Saldanha

The present research refers to the dissertation presented in the Postgraduate Program in Media and Daily Life and its general objective is to reflect on the possible social impacts that public people can cause from their media discourses. Taking into account the importance of the Internet today, and its improvement from globalization, the intention to highlight the social use of digital networks, in view of the historical process of our country and, consequently, the dominance of the main institutions that articulate the ordinary life. We intend to understand whether Instagram, a sociotechnical network popularly known for its daily exposure, which apparently shows perfect lives desired by many Internet users, can also act as a generator of important dialogues about black women, based on the corpus cut out for this investigation: a digital influencer Nátaly Neri, from the YouTube channel named Afros e Afins, the Federal Deputy for the State of Rio de Janeiro, Talíria Petrone and the contemporary artist Preta Gil. We will analyze how the appropriation of Instagram by women from different social segments has been relevant to reflect on the issues associated with machismo, racism and sexism today, in addition to thinking about the importance of debating about the place of speech and empowerment of black women after centuries of silence. The methodology will consist of bibliographic research and analysis of comments, based on the discourse inserted in the publications made in the Instagram feed. With regard to bibliographic research, we will be based on the authors Zygmunt Bauman, to work on the effects of globalization and Stuart Hall to understand the concept of the identity of black women as a postmodern subject in a globalized world. We will work with the works of authors Manuel Castells, Henri Jenkins and Douglas Kellner to elucidate the effects of the use of the internet on social interactions between individuals, in addition to Agnes Heller to work on the concept of everyday life, and the books by Joice Berth and Djamila Ribeiro to understand the meaning and important of the empowerment of the women in question and the place of speech to which they are entitled.

Keywords: black feminism in the media, daily on Instagram, representation of black women, Nátaly Neri – Preta Gil – Talíria Petrone, day of black conscience.


Thiago Ribeiro Fraga

The male homosexual in Bichas and Xampy: body, identity and social protagonism

Supervisor: Denise Tavares da Silva

The aim of this paper is to discuss the identities and protagonisms associated with male homosexuals in the documentary films “BICHAS, o documentário” (Marlon Parente, Recife, 2016) and “Xampy” (Daniel Wierman and Paulo Menezes, São Paulo, 2014). It´s intended, with this focus, to observe the narrative strategies of these works around these protagonisms, in comparison with a scenario marked by the revisions of the values related to male homosexuals in Brazil. Among the authors that marked this path is João Silverio Trevisan for the recovery he makes of the trajectory of the LGBTQIA+ movement in Brazil and its relationship with the Brazilian audiovisual. We also worked on Goffman’s concept of stigma and Heller’s prejudice, in addition to using Stuart Hall, Bauman, Tomaz Tadeu da Silva and Judith Butler to discuss issues related to identity. The concept / proposal of “Ética Bixa” by Paco Vidarte stands out, understanding the role of the homosexual as a political body. As to the problematization that we do in relation to homosexual representations, we resort, even if briefly and punctually to Maffesoli and Foucault. The scope of the discussions and the recurrence of the aforementioned authors are based on a methodological path that had as a starting point the diagnosis of several audiovisual works that sought to problematize the representation and identity of the male homosexual protagonism. This situation led us to a bibliographic review that sought to recover a brief history of the construction of this representation and also of the militancy in tune with the struggles of the LGBTQIA+ movement, which offered us the conceptual keys that structure this study, that is, representation, identity and the “Ética Bixa”, this last one as a powerful horizon in the perspective of breaking stereotypes. This investigation path led us to conclude, at the end of the study, that in the researched documentaries, there are representations of the limits of transgression in the body and in the rhetoric of the self-affirmed male homosexual “fag”, and that the understanding of these limits allows us new understandings about the construction of identities in the LGBTQIA+ community.

Keywords: Documentaries. LGBTQIA+. Identities. Daily life. Male homosexual.


Victor Rocha Nascimento

A resumption of Sensitive Journalism: The presentation of plural readings of reality by a journalism of affections

Supervisor: Larissa de Morais Ribeiro Mendes

The world is undergoing through great transformations. Internally, the media suffers the impacts of an age ruled by urgency and incessant technological renewal. Many times this flow implies an accelerated and banal consumption of information and disinformation, putting at risk fundamental journalism values. In face of this scenario, our study intends to verify the subjectivity (strengthened in the contemporary world) as a tool used in the process of facts denaturalization from the sensitive production of informative texts. We also seek to analyze the development of a journalism that can open space to its aesthetic dimension as a possible attractive and reader´s world perspectives amplifier, as an indication of the approximation of the journalistic practice itself to the art. From this point on, our proposal is to conceptualize and analyze what could be a “Sensitive Journalism”, informative text that makes use of combined subjectivities during the different steps of the journalistic process (that must not be deprived of rationality and methodological objectivity) as a communication tool and pluralization of the concepts of reality, particularly in regard to social representations and the identification of the “me” and the “other” inside the society. Our research indicates that this sensitive practice of the journalism goes beyond the authorial texts styles, running through the selection of an agenda, the verification, the production, until it gets to affect the imagination and sensitivity of the reader, yet causing an empathy stimulus. We took as an reference analysis what was practiced by contemporary publications throughout a cut out that encompasses, among others, texts from Fabiana Moraes, Eliane Brum and from the magazines Realidade and Piauí.

Keywords: Sensitive Journalism; Media and Everyday Life; Narrative; Affections.
