Adrian Busch Pereira Costa

Challenging heteronormativity on YouTube: possibilities and limitations of an everyday dispute. A case study of the Luci Gonçalves Channel

Supervisor: Carla Baiense Felix

This research is about the potential of using YouTube to propagate non-heteronormative content. In a scenario of crystallization of heteronormativity in the hegemonic media, we think about digital culture, which has the potential to be a more democratic space of communication, as an environment to promote alternative content to heteronormativity. We did a bibliographic research for the conceptual foundation of the discussion based mainly on black feminist thought, then a survey and brief analysis of the LGBTQIA+ channels in this communicational environment in order to reflect on the scenario in which these productions are inserted. Finally, we conducted an interview with Luci Gonçalves, a content producer who talks about her experiences and is a bisexual, black and peripheral woman. With this, we seek to better understand the production of this content, the relationship with the platform and with the public. Our work intends to observe the use of the platform to popularize non-hegemonic narratives, specifically with regard to sexual and gender diversity. We defend that the representations and expressions of lesbian and bisexual women on the platform are a way of using YouTube to project non-heteronormative experiences and we seek to understand how these women use their content production as digital activism. Our objective is to stress the idea of ​​democratic and plural communication on the internet from the identification of hegemonic patterns that are repeated, as well as to identify whether it is possible to talk about LGBTIQA+ empowerment and digital activism on YouTube.

Keywords: Heteronormativity; LGBTQIA+; Representation of non-hetero women; digital activism

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Carolina Barreto da Silva Gaspar

The criminalization of street demonstrations in the pages of the newspaper O Globo: when 2013 meets 1968

Supervisor: Larissa de Morais Ribeiro Mendes

This dissertation makes a comparative analysis of how the newspaper O Globo covered the journeys of June 2013 and the main street demonstrations of 1968 – murder of Edson Luis, Sexta-Feira Sangreta and Passeata dos Cem Mil. The central hypothesis of the work is that the way in which the newspaper covered these manifestations at such different moments in the history of Brazil changes little in essence. O Globo preserves a conservative, and even authoritarian, approach to the coverage of street demonstrations. The work is structured from the analysis of the frameworks that are most repeated in each of these coverages, thinking about their meaning and effects. The observation that there are many similarities between them does not prevent us, however, from realizing that the 2013 one, unlike the 1968 one, changes over time as the number of people who took to the streets increased. We carried out a quantitative analysis, in-depth through a qualitative approach, of all the materials referring to the manifestations published between June 7th and 21st, 2013, March 29th and April 4th, 1968, June 22nd, 1968 and June 27th, 2013. 1968. To avoid unnecessary repetitions, we chose to bring to the final writing of this work only the qualitative analysis of the most revealing matters of the recurring frameworks. The quantitative analysis, on the other hand, was based on the entire corpus of reports from the mentioned period. The fact that one of the main newspapers in the country maintains coverage of demonstrations based on patterns of representation already used during the business-military dictatorship until today leads us to question the limits of our democracy. After all, the press is an important tool to guide daily life, a place for the construction and deconstruction of society’s values. It helps to guide conversations between people, guide their views of the world and also interferes in the actions of institutions. If the press criminalizes street demonstrations, it influences the citizenry’s view of them.

Keywords: coverage; June 2013 days; 1968 demonstrations; framework; representation; media and everyday life

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Daniel Alves Scarcello

Through the looking glass: Daily life and banality of evil in Black Mirror

Supervisor: Denise Tavares

This work focuses on the serial production Black Mirror, a recognized cultural phenomenon by the public and critics. The objective is to discuss how the series anchors (or not) its narrative in the “banality of evil” – a concept coined by Hannah Arendt, but worked on in our text in an expanded dialogue with other authors -, and in everyday relationships and scenarios. The course of the research is justified in the recognition of the audiovisual product as a potent element of culture, especially by the admission that we are experiencing the mediatization process, in which the relationship between media and everyday life seems to us to structure the social fabric. In this position, problematizing the narratives of a series that reverberates in expressions triggered in the daily media, adds to the efforts to locate and understand the role of communication in a society that experiences great difficulties in overcoming its social inequalities. Such a place triggered, for us, two paths that were intertwined in this investigation. One, which sought to survey the “state of the art” of the series, identifying, in particular, how the media, academia and the public (with a brief exploratory sampling) related to the series. And, another, in which we undertake the discussion about the banality of evil and everyday life in our research object, observed, particularly, for its language, narrative, hybridization of genres and themes explored. Such journeys were carried out in dialogues with Zygmunt Bauman, Susan Neiman, Nadia Diniz, Agnes Heller, Douglas Kelnner, Jonathan Crary and John B. Thompson, among others. It is worth mentioning that our methodology is quantitative-qualitative and is structured in a dialectical process, that is, part of the series itself and returns to it, which, in the dissertation, meant to present, in quantitative terms, how this “evil” is present in the narratives. of Black Mirror, and to highlight a representative episode of each of the three argumentative keys that we found: “Smithereens”, “Black Museum” and “Manda quem pode”. With this methodological approach, we believe we have found that the elements of the diegetic daily life in Black Mirror are reinforced by narrative and (audiovisual) language choices that seek impact and shock, generating different degrees of representation and reflection on the banality of evil in the episodes of series. The research presented us with significant elements of the imaginary about Black Mirror, and how it can be assimilated in “real” life, in addition to showing how the idea of ​​the banality of evil is constant in the series, in the most diverse forms.

Keywords: Black Mirror; Serial fiction; Banality of Evil; Narratives; Daily.


Daniel Reis Romero de Souza

The progressive reply to the conservative evangelical discourse towards the 2020 elections: Instagram as an arena of political dispute between pastors Silas Malafaia and Henrique Vieira

Supervisor: Patricia Saldanha

Pentecostal and neo-Pentecostal churches have developed means of media and political appropriation as a form of power, generating for a more spiritualized evangelical segment a perception that the church has lost its way. Baptist pastor Henrique Vieira appears to be part of a counter-institutional movement that rises in opposition to the course taken by Pentecostal and Neo-Pentecostal evangelical churches and opposes the hegemonic discourse of their leaders through digital social networks. Based on the methodology of critical discourse analysis, the general objective is to assess whether there is a relationship between the speech of Pastor Henrique Vieira and the formulation of a counter-hegemonic discourse, and also, if there is a confrontation between the apparent discourse of resistance and the discourse political and religious hegemonic, it seems, molded to misinform, confuse and disorient the population. The object of analysis will be through the publications on the Instagram profile of the Baptist pastor Henrique Vieira and the conservative pastor Silas Malafaia, carried out during the elections for the Mayor of Rio de Janeiro in 2020. The corpus will understand more precisely the period between the days November 9 and 13, which precedes the first round of municipal elections. This choice is justified, because Marcelo Crivella, licensed bishop of the Universal Church, will run for reelection with the support of conservative evangelical currents, which in turn seem to communicate better with the poorest part of the population. We start from the hypothesis that the mediatization of conservative religious discourse contributes to a kind of sensorial deprivation of a significant part of current Brazilian society, greatly affecting and weakening the critical capacity of these people, and that the progressive evangelical discourse can contribute to the rupture of this logic. . To support our observations and questions, we used as main authors and concepts: Jessé Souza (Sociology) Muniz Sodré (Mediatization), Antonio Gramsci (Hegemony), Agnes Heller (Daily Life); Magali Cunha (Religion), Naomi Klein (Shock Doctrine) and Norman Fairclough (Critical Discourse Analysis).

Keywords: Digital social networks; Instagram; Henrique Vieira; Evangelical Progressive Speech; Silas Malafaia; Conservative Evangelical Speech.

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Eduardo Brasil

Mr. Delegate: The representation of the Police figure in samba lyrics and its relationship with the Media and Carioca Daily Life between 1979 and 2010

Supervisor: Pablo Nabarrete Bastos

This Dissertation investigates questions about representation from the narratives related to the figure of the policeman, comparing the representations of the police image present in the samba lyrics with the image built by the hegemonic media in the context of the city of Rio de Janeiro. Through research on the coverage of the newspaper O GLOBO and relating to the daily and symbolic dynamics that mediated the construction about the representation of the figure of the policeman present in the samba lyrics, the Critical Discourse Analysis (ACD) methodology was defined as an instrument for understand the look of samba as a cultural product and popular resistance against the problem of the coercive power of the State, visible in the figure of the policeman. We understand samba as a symbol of resistance of an oppressed segment of society and that establishes negotiation relationships with the State, because samba brings us a narrative and a story of everyday life seen from below. Thus, the question arises of what are the elements of enunciation, image, representation and narrative about the police figure present in the lyrics of the carioca sambas and how the representation of the police character has changed according to the historical scenario and political panorama in the time frame adopted. The temporal arc comprises the period between the beginning of the Government of Chagas Freitas, when the Amnesty Law (1979) came into force, the same year in which it was launched: Assim Não Zambi, by Martinho da Vila; and the end of the first Sérgio Cabral government (2010), the year of the launch of In a very far away city: Arlindo Cruz’s Police and Bandit. Assuming that there is a relationship of tension between the popular strata and the State, manifested in its police power, samba is a fruitful material and, therefore, a legitimate corpus for the analysis in question.

Keywords: Police; Samba; Representation; Media and Daily Life; Rio de Janeiro.

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Erika Francisco de Paula David

Audiovisual Narratives and worldviews: what do children have to tell us about childhood from their daily lives?

Supervisor: Dagmar de Mello e Silva

This study reflects on the ways in which children, in pandemic times, expressed themselves and came into contact with their teachers and classmates through Image Letters, ways of saying and saying to the world through children’s audiovisual media. Sensitive shares of their daily lives were revealed by these media and made us think about the childhoods of this time. The theoretical framework that supported this work counted on the contribution of Certeau with regard to studies on everyday life, Jonathan Crary with his notes on the transformations of the observing subject over time, Walter Benjamin with his writings on childhood experience, Sandra Corazza and Walter Kohan with his contributions to the studies on contemporary childhoods and Vigínia Kastrup who based this dissertation with regard to the research method that was cartography, a methodological approach that allows us to follow the research process, understanding this as a movement of elaboration permanent, highlighting the processes of research construction itself, where reality is neither given nor finished. The objective of this work was to observe the ways in which children communicate through verbal-visual media and what kind of content and everyday clippings they list to share with the school institution.

Keywords: Audiovisual Narratives; Letters – Image; Childhood; Media and Everyday Life

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Fernanda da Silva Guimarães

Transforming the Game of Power into the Power of the Game: a reflection on the reduction of Public Communication to the distribution of information

Supervisor: Marco A.F. Schneider

This work has discussed the reduction of Public Communication to the distribution of information. The general objective is to map the extent to which the underutilization of the flow of public information and/or its absorption in a limited or unsatisfactory way weakens and does not generate the necessary link to interactive practices in the Public Sphere and, consequently, does not encourage citizen participation in practices politics of everyday life. Therefore, even in compliance with the commands stipulated by law, such an occurrence contributes to the emptying of the critical zone of citizen formation in the scope of the activities of the local community. Therefore, an analysis will be made of the journalistic content of the TV Câmara channel, on Youtube, of the Municipality of Nova Friburgo, through a methodology composed of audience analysis of the TV Câmara channel associated with an opinion survey with the population of Friburgo, with for a holistic understanding of the participatory landscape.

Keywords: Public Communication; Critical Information Competence; Public Sphere; Democracy; Popular participation.


Fernanda Paes

Media representations of “deviant behaviors” of female sexuality: a study on the television series “Happily ever after?”

Supervisor: Ana Paula Bragaglia

This work aims to discuss the media representation of deviant behaviors of sexuality. To this end, a “Textual Analysis” (CASETTI E CHIO, 1999) was carried out in the TV Globo miniseries, “Felizes para Semper?” (2015), in which the protagonist, played by actress Paolla Oliveira, is bisexual and call girl. Following this methodology, we chose to analyze the general narrative structure of the miniseries (plot) instead of specific scenes. As a theoretical basis, authors from the “Sociology of Deviation” (such as Becker and Goffman ) were used; theories about the processes of stereotyping from Social Psychology (using Pereira and Jablonski, for example), and approaches to the sphere of everyday life and its fields of common sense and social representations, through theorists such as Heller and Berger and Luckmann . The discussions were confronted with conceptions of the mass media as a cultural industry, from Kellner, Adorno and Horkheimer, among other thinkers. As a main result, it was observed in the media arena, the reproduction of social conflicts (KELLNER, 2001) about deviant behaviors of sexuality, which in the case of the studied miniseries takes place through a narrative that is only apparently transgressive and emancipating from the deviant attributes, a once throughout the plot and in its outcome, elements of a conventional morality are observed, culminating in punishments for female characters with deviant behaviors of sexuality. In short, it is noted that the broadcaster, as an integral part of a cultural industry, by portraying representations of deviant sexual behavior, still remains predominantly in a conservative hegemonic line of discourse, continuing to situate such behaviors as marginal.

Keywords: Media and Daily Life; Deviant Behaviors; Sexuality; Textual Analysis; Happy forever

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Gustavo Farias Sixel

Identity and memory in Marcello Quintanilha’s comics: a look at the daily life of the subaltern classes

Supervisor: Rachel Bertol Domingues

This research analyzes the work of comic book artist Marcello Quintanilha, through separate narratives and authorial albums published in Brazil (1999-2021), which express characteristics of modern comics, such as autobiography, memory, daily life and social criticism, and seeks to situate the artist’s proposal within the language and editorial environment. Its universe, with stories set in peripheral regions and characters from subaltern classes, motivates debates about the protagonism of oppressed characters as well as the choice to underline their contradictions; the visibility of black men and women and racism, in plots that reveal the presence of racist ideology in everyday life. Autobiographical and historical aspects are interrelated in Quintanilha’s work, in personal and second-generation memories, especially those of his father, a worker-player in a factory football club, memories that assume a privileged relationship with a place – the Barreto neighborhood. , in the city of Niterói (RJ), where the author lived in childhood and adolescence, and whose atmosphere he seeks to retain. The research points to the presence of nostalgia as a creative key to the work. The link between the historical and the fictional, together with the “excavation of ruins”, as in Benjamin (1987), establish the nostalgic feeling as a path to the search for its identity and the constitution of a unique aesthetic proposal, marked by indicated meanings. both from reflective nostalgia, according to Svetlana Boym (2017), and from the mnemonic imagination, by Keightley and Pickering (2012). In this sense, the research starts from the perception that, in the face of a time in crisis, as Arendt (2016) points out, Quintanilha, in her proposal, constitutes a creative and innovative way of dealing with and appreciating time, poetically and visually highlighting its passage and also the tension between the space of experience and the horizon of expectation (Koselleck, 2006), in the daily lives of ordinary people and their choices.

Keywords: Comics. Memory. Daily. Marcello Quintanilha

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Isabela Gonçalves de Oliveira

Contemporary socialization codes in face of the notions of individualization of subjectivities: a study on Gabriela Publiesi’s posts in the Covid-19 pandemic

Supervisor: Ana Paula Bragaglia

This dissertation has, as a general objective, to understand the possible relationships between the phenomenon of digital influencers and the unfolding of today’s individualization processes. To do so, we analyzed 10 (ten) publications from the profile of Gabriela Pugliesi – influencer in the fitness/lifestyle segment – on the digital social network Instagram, linked to the COVID-19 pandemic in Brazil. In addition, we have as a specific research objective to study the values ​​or codes used by digital influencers to socialize and/or connect with their followers, seeking to understand if and in what way they reflect or contradict sociability characteristics commonly associated with contemporary subjectivities, as a reflection , including the processes of individualization experienced since Modernity. As a theoretical basis, we mainly use the reasoning of McCracken (2003) on the history of consumption, Bauman (1999, 2001, 2008), Lipovetsky (2004, 2007, 2015), Campbell (2001) and Barbosa (2004), in the field of contemporaneity, Maffesoli (1998) and Bauman (2001) on forms of socialization and contemporary subjectivities and Sibilia (2008) and Campanella (2019), on visibility. We used Orlandi’s Discourse Analysis (2005) to investigate the corpus. The analysis
demonstrated, then, the sovereignty of ephemerality, in addition to several individualistic and hedonistic aspects, even in posts in which some sense of collectivity is proposed.

Keywords: Media and Daily Life; Digital Influencers; Gabriela Pugliesi; individualization; Contemporary Subjectivities

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Jaqueline Suarez Bastos

Between notions and experiences: tensions over autonomy and sustainability in independent media

Supervisor: Adilson Vaz Cabral Filho

In recent years, we have seen the emergence of many media initiatives that present themselves as independent. Although the term used is not new, this wave brings with it notions and experiences typical of its time. Influenced by digital dynamics and the sociopolitical context, such initiatives propose another concept of functioning, triggering new logics of organization and sustainability, aiming at greater autonomy. The feasibility of this autonomy is related to the financing model adopted, delimited by the ideal of independence of each collective, which seeks to economically guarantee the continuity of activities, without compromising their freedom. From this, this research aims to stress the idea of ​​independence adopted by independent collectives under the bias of autonomy and financial sustainability. At the center of our investigation are the organizational models of the Jornalistas Livres and Ponte Jornalismo collectives, from which we intend to answer the following question: considering the understanding of independence intended by the collective, how do they position themselves in relation to autonomy and (financial) sustainability ? Anchored in a dialectical perspective, with a qualitative approach, we established as methodological procedures the bibliographic review, the documentary survey and the in-depth interview. We found that the notion of independence experienced by each project delimits specific meanings and materialities of autonomy and funding. Thus, this research does not discuss closed concepts. On the contrary, it discusses notions and singular experiences formulated by real experiences, endowed with specific contradictions and tensions.

Keywords: Independent media; Autonomy; Financial Sustainability; Organizational model; Alternative communication.



Lorena Campos

Cosmetic Empowerment and updated representations of beauty in Avon’s YouTube communication

Supervisor: Ana Paula Bragaglia

This work has as its theme contemporary cosmetics advertisements and their meaning effects in everyday life. The questions that guide the research can be summarized by the following questions: how can the association between “beauty” and “empowerment”, visible in commercial advertising, contribute to the social claims of individuals previously made invisible by the norms? Resorting to the discourse of empowerment can be positive, when creating media representations that previously unrepresented subjects can identify with, or there is a risk that, when instrumentalizing the concept of empowerment under a market logic, it loses its meaning. ? Our object is the AVON cosmetics brand channel on YouTube; the choice was made because the brand has been creating narratives that bring different representations of beauty, in addition to exploring the theme of empowerment in its communication. Avon also consolidated itself in the market with a sales model based on the relationship between salespeople and customers, in addition to being undergoing a process of reformulation and repositioning in the market, supposedly to attract a younger audience. Assuming that advertising produces and capitalizes on meanings from the historical context, the research aims to deepen the understanding of the contemporary panorama. The first chapter brings notions about everyday life and common sense in the recognition of standardized beauty; gender inequalities within the productive sphere; as well as notes on intersectionality, ideology and empowerment. The second chapter deals with contemporary mediatization processes, and their relationship with the underrepresentation of certain subjects by the hegemonic media. The methodologies for analyzing the empirical object were divided into two stages: at first, a content analysis was carried out (BARDIN, 2016), in which the videos from Canal Avon BR were collected, categorized and tabulated; and in a second moment, recent samples of the channel’s production were chosen, which contribute to the formulation of the concepts of “cosmetic empowerment” and “updated representations of beauty”. The objective of the work is not to problematize the representation of the subjects, but to promote the discussion about the ambivalence of these narratives and the idea of ​​empowerment accessed through consumption. There is a need to criticize the market structures, not only of beauty products, but also pointing out the possibilities and limitations of these insertions, thanks to their reach and diffusion.

Keywords: Content Analysis; Discourse Analysis; Avon; empowerment; Media and Everyday Life.

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Lucas Lima Coaracy

Media in School Life: Uses and Social Representations of Digital Information and Communication Technologies by Students

Supersor: Walcea Barreto Alves

This dissertation aimed to understand the uses and social representations of Digital Information and Communication Technologies (TDICs) by students in everyday school life. To achieve this objective, a survey was carried out with students from the second segment of elementary education in a municipal school in Niterói, RJ, based on a multi-method approach (JOHNSON; ONWUEGBUZIE, 2004), which was developed articulating the ethnographic approach (PERUZZO, 2003). ; MATTOS, 2009, 2011a, 2011b) with methodologies from the field of Theory of Social Representations (SRT) (MOSCOVICI, 1994, 2007). The research instruments were participant observation, focus group and free recall questionnaire. Data analysis, carried out with the help of Atlas.ti and openEVOC software, is based on the structural approach of the TRS – the Central Nucleus Theory (ABRIC, 2000; SÁ, 1996) – and the categorical analysis (BARDIN, 2009) . The results showed that the social representations of TDICs have mobile devices at their core, organizing and giving meaning to other elements of the representation. The frequency of sharing and the ways in which TDICs are used by students denotes a strong aspect of socialization in their uses, configuring modes of action and meaning that place interactions in a context of seeking autonomy in the construction of knowledge and greater social identification with their peers in the school space. It is concluded that, for there to be an education that articulates the structures of the school institution and the ways of living of contemporary young people in a liberating and problematizing, curious and critical perspective (FREIRE, 2000) in the face of technologies in mediatized society (THOMPSON, 1998). , 2018; HJARVARD, 2014, 2015), one should be aware of the ways in which subjects employ their uses as tactics (CERTEAU, 1998) seeking to reinvent everyday life in an interface with the media and the educational context.

Keywords: Communication and Education; Digital Information and Communication Technologies; Daily; Social Representations; Digital Media.


Luciana Carvalho de Moraes

Conceptions and practices of health and well-being in the daily life of women in times of Covid-19

Supervisor: Flavia Clemente

The research presented here represents an immersion in knowledge and practices related to the health and well-being of contemporary women, based on a portrait traced by the women themselves, based on information collected through an online questionnaire developed and analyzed in detail by the researcher. . The counterpoint to the qualitative-quantitative research is given by the analysis of what has been produced from the point of view of theories of everyday life, communication, media, health, psychology, psychiatry, philosophy, sociology, among other areas of knowledge. The central objective is to relate such studies to the experiences of women’s daily lives, based on reflections on the interests required by middle and upper middle class adult women, regarding their practices, meanings and values ​​attributed to good health and well-being in everyday life. . It should be noted that the specific period of responses to the form, observation and investigation of such human practices in the field of health, took place during the spread of the new Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which causes Covid-19, especially during the quarantine in due to the spread of the disease. The hypothesis to be verified is that today, as a reflection of the postmodern life imposed on this woman, and, potentiated by the existence of a new pandemic of enormous severity, the woman is not able to carry out health and well-being practices the way or with the frequency and quality you would like. Thus, it is inferred that middle-class women do not maintain a complete state of health in the present day, despite recognizing their practices and benefits as important for their daily lives, which can even be a source of anxiety and anxiety. of NCD. And yet, how this “new normal”, in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, influences women’s health and well-being in aspects of daily life to the precepts of public communication in health and the media, and if these are related with the main female health and well-being needs evidenced by them. Finally, the complexity of the subject is apprehended from the perspective of female narratives that are corroborated by aspects of everyday mediatized to the language of therapeutic culture, in order to constitute itself as a mediated communicational product in the current contemporaneity.

Keywords: Health; Well-being; Woman; Culture; Media; Everyday Life.

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Luciano Dias

The coup today: analysis of the speech commemorating March 31, in the media: from the tragedy of 1964 to the square of 2019

Supervisor: Larissa de Morais Ribeiro Mendes

The present dissertation analyzes the military discourse in the media as part of the legitimation of the civil-military coup from March 31, 1964 to 2019, already under the Jair Bolsonaro government. In the analogy made by Karl Marx in The 18th of Brumaire by Louis Bonaparte, it is a moment in history that happens as a tragedy (1964) and is repeated as a farce (2019). We follow the course of the discourse object and observe the articulation between language, ideology, history, memory in the production of meanings between tragedy and farce. To this end, we defined three corpora: the tragedy on the 24 front pages of O Globo, between March 19 and April 13, 1964, and farce in a video greeting the 55th anniversary of the coup, published by Palácio do Planalto, and the media between the 64 coup and the video that recalls it, this is the main corpus. Our objective is to investigate the military discourse crossing and being crossed by the journalistic discourse and its displacement to the media in a virtual environment and, through discursive reading, verify the sliding of meanings for the production of truth effect. Two terms are central in this dispute of meanings: “coup” and “Revolution” represent the ideological struggle for the truth. Affiliated to the French-oriented Discourse Analysis, the research articulates DA with concepts of everyday authors and, anchored in studies on journalism, scientific discourse and Political Science, analyzes the said and the unsaid in statements materialized in news, editorials and non-journalistic content. Thus, listening to the voice and silence of the military discourse in O Globo, we understand that the newspaper subject is questioned by the same ideology as the military subject, revealing the illusion of the discourse of scientific objectivity. We also hear the whisper of the military rant in the video announcing that the 1964 hoax was being mounted in 2019.

Keywords: 1964 coup d’état; Memory; Media; Speech; Truth

Link: coming soon (process of inclusion in the UFF Repository)

Marcus Vinicius Barcelos Lima Losanoff

Representation, identity and musical resistance at DOCTV América Latina

Supervisor: Denise Tavares

Based on the study of three documentaries produced in the edition of La Musica, of the program DOCTV Latinoamérica (DOCTV América Latina, in Brazil), this work aims to discuss the language and narratives of these works, taking into account the history of resistance and the search for Latin American integration. To this end, it briefly recovers the concepts and paradigms that involved the creation of the Program and, in the same way, seeks to discuss the conjunctures that permeate the strategies of cultural resistance and integration in the region, focusing especially on protest music, on in particular the one produced from 1960 onwards. Such an approach occurs in parallel with the theories of identity and the construction of memory as guides for these representations present in this edition dedicated to the music of DOCTV Latinoamérica. Due to the broad scope – in all, 18 works were produced in this edition – the dissertation focuses on the documentaries Isabel, la criolla (Argentina); Hasta el fin de Delfín (Ecuador) and “No gargalo do samba” (Brazil). The choice is due to the proposal of constituting a sample that, in addition to Brazil, could express the country’s relationship with the continent’s neighbors: one, closer, which is the case of Argentina, and another, at a distance, including geographical. (because it does not have a border with Brazil), which is Ecuador. The mediatized everyday life and the social function of the audiovisual are part of the scenario that contextualizes the research as strategies of a territory that seeks to affirm its ancestral singularity, in opposition to a historical process of emptying diversity in culture, especially in music, through the centuries. Among the authors that guide this work are Jesús Martín Barbero, Ailton Krenak, Darcy Ribeiro, Stuart Hall, Catherine Walsh, Néstor García Canclini, Agnes Heller and Nildo Viana. In methodological terms, we opted for a bibliographic and documentary review based on the central axes of the investigation, in addition to the discussions on the creation and other productions of the DOCTV Latinoamérica Program.

Keywords: Social representation; Musical resistance; Cultural identity; Latin American Integration; Music documentaries.


Monique Paula dos Santos T. de Oliveira

Talíria Petrone: eu sou deputada, eleita pelo Rio de Janeiro: Um estudo de caso de gestão de visibilidade pelo Instagram

Supervisor: Carla Baiense Felix

This dissertation analyzes how the Federal Deputy, a black woman, Talíria Petrone uses Instagram as an instrument to manage her visibility. Considering a scenario in which black women are made invisible or hyper-visibilized (criminalized and sexualized, for example) as Noble (2013) reveals, I verify the visibility regimes (BRIGHENTI, 2010), or multiple facets of visibility that have positive and negative consequences. negative for the political action of the parliamentarian. This analysis is carried out in a context of a culture of fear (GLASSNER, 2003) that has a significant impact for progressive black women in institutional politics, something that was evidenced by Marielle Franco’s political femicide (SOUZA, 2019). The study is based on theoretical perspectives from three main areas: culture of fear, black feminism and visibilities in digital cultures. The methodological approach is guided by the bibliographic review and thematic analysis inspired by digital ethnographic observations (HINE, 2015), developed by me, with qualitative and quantitative analysis of the publications made on the Instagram profile of Federal Deputy Talíria Petrone in the months of March/2019, July/2019 and November 2019. In addition to a structured interview closed by WhatsApp with the parliamentarian. In this way, the aim is to verify how she uses Instagram visibility as a tool to combat racism, machismo and protect human rights in a context of fear and uncertainty.

Keywords: Talíria Petrone. black women. Visibility. Political femicide. Instagram
