Required Courses


Media and Everyday Life (60h)

Two concepts provide the basis for the development of this discipline: first, that the everyday is the environment where social transformations are processed; Secondly, that contemporaneity is acclimated by the media and, therefore, establishes a necessary relationship between media and daily life, with its reflexes in common sense. Such relations will be studied in the context of the society of the spectacle, of the commodity, and of the mediatization of social relations, with an emphasis on the role of the large media corporations and the perspectives of the “network society” with its possibilities and illusions. It adopts the perspective of the dialectic between phenomenon, process and discourses to approach the naturalization of facts, recurrent in journalism and in advertising, in the cinema and in other mediatic manifestations and presents the concept of suspension of the daily life as mediation for the critic Of common sense.


BERGER, Peter L. & LUCKMANN, Thomas. The social construction of reality. 36th Ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2014
DE CERTEAU, Michel. The invention of everyday life. 1. Arts of making. 9ª Ed. Petrópolis: Vozes, 2003.
HELLER, Agnes. The daily life and history. São Paulo: Peace and Earth, 1992.
KELLNER, Douglas. The Culture of the media. Cultural studies, identity and politics between the modern and the postmodern. Bauru: Edusc, 2001.
MARTÍN-BARBERO, Jesus. From media to mediations: communication, culture and hegemony. Rio de Janeiro: UFRJ, 2003.


Research Methods in Communication (60h)

Scientific Research in Communication, understood as scientific knowledge, emphasizing its structures of scientific research, methods and techniques and different types of research will be worked. The preparation and execution of research projects in Communication will also take into account the literature review and the formatting and technical norms of citations and references.


ALVES-MAZZOTTI, Alda J. & GEWANDSZNAJDER, Fernando. Method in the natural and social sciences: quantitative and qualitative research. São Paulo: Pioneira, 1998.
DEMO, Peter. Scientific Methodology in Social Sciences. São Paulo: Atlas, 2006.
DENCKER, Adas de Freitas & VIÁ, Sarah Chucid da. Empirical research in human sciences (with emphasis on communication). São Paulo: Futura, 2001.
DURING, Jorge; BARROS, Antonio (Orgs.). Methods and techniques of research in communication. São Paulo: Atlas, 2005.
ECO, Umberto. How to make a thesis. São Paulo: Perspectiva, 2003.
LOPES, Maria Immacolata Vassallo de. Communication research – formulation of a methodological model. São Paulo: Loyola, 1990.