Common Core


Communication Spacialities: from local to global (60h)

Discuss the different forms and informational relations that affect human interactions and the temporalities that cross them and give them meaning. He is interested in information flows and network communication; By the identification and identity of informational territories; By the media of urban spaces and by cross-border communicative relations, whether geographic or cultural.


AUGÉ, Marc. Non-Places. Lisbon: 2005.
BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Net Modernity. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Ed, 2001.
BOURDIN, Alain. The local question. Rio de Janeiro: DP & A, 2001.
CASTELLS, Manuel. The network society. São Paulo: Peace and Earth, 1999.
HARVEY, David. The capitalist production of space. 2nd ed. São Paulo: Annablume, 2006.
LINCH, Kevin. The image of the city. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 1999.


Advanced Studies in Communication and Culture (60h)

Contemporary Transformations in Communication and Culture. Communication, culture and socio-cultural dynamics. Communication systems in the contemporary world. The new trends in Communication and Culture with the advent of the Internet. Social Representation, Cultural Practices and Communication; Culture, daily life and construction of reality; Cultural dimension of the notion of communication and expressive manifestations (oral, written, plastic, playful, etc); Communication, Culture and Symbolic Exchanges; Sociology of Culture, Aesthetics and Communication; Globalized media and culture. Media, culture and consumption; Culture, Art and Media.


BHABHA, Homi K. The place of culture. Belo Horizonte: Federal University of Minas Gerais, 2007.
CEVASCO, Maria Elisa. Ten Lessons – About Cultural Studies. São Paulo: Boitempo Editorial, 2012.
KELLNER, Douglas. The Culture of the Media. Bauru (SP): EDUSC, 2001.
MARTÍN-BARBERO. Jesus. Craft of cartographer. Latin American crossings of communication in culture. São Paulo: Editions Loyola, 2004.
ZIZEK, Slavoj. Welcome to the Real Desert. São Paulo: Boitempo Editorial, 2003.


Modernity, Media and Consumption (60h)

The actuality is very marked by typically modern features. Therefore, we will start from the mapping of modernity and hypermodernity, as well as its sociocultural characteristics. We will try to understand capitalism of production, its intensification of instrumental rationality and the “crisis of reason”. Hypermodernity will be taken as a continuation and intensification of modern traits, but also in the rupture of certain modern experiences of production and consumption, having as its main context the phenomenon of the Communicational Society and its implications. Modern and hypermodern cultures are deeply marked by values ​​attached to the capitalist ideology, as productivist as consumerism. The discipline proposes to map and debate the relations between the (hyper) modern values ​​that circulate in the media and that guide the culture of consumption.


ADORNO, Theodor; HORKHEIMER, Max. Dialectics of enlightenment: philosophical fragments. 3a ed., Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 1991.
BAUDRILLARD, Jean. The consumer society. Lisbon: Ed. 70, 1975.
BAUMAN, Zygmunt. Net modernity. Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2001.
LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. The paradoxical happiness: essay on the hyperconsumption society. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007.
LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. The hypermodern times. São Paulo: Barcarolla, 2004.


Theories of Language and Discourse (60h)

Overview of language theory. Language and social representation. The multidisciplinary foundations of Discourse Analysis. Semiology and Semiotics in their foundations and methods. The everyday and its forms of discursivization of ideologies. The social and discursive practices of / in the media. Media narratives in their structure and functioning. The production of meaning in culture and in the media.


BAKHTIN, Mikhail (Volochinov). Marxism and philosophy of language: fundamental problems of the sociological method in the science of language. São Paulo: Hucitec, 6th edition, 1992.
CHARAUDEAU, Patrick. Speech of the media. São Paulo: Context, s / d.
FAIRCLOUGH, Norman. Speech and social change. Brasília: UnB, 2001.
FOUCAULT, Michel. The order of the speech. São Paulo: Loyola, 7th edition, 2001.
GREGOLIN, Maria do Rosário. Foucault and Pêcheux: dialogues and duels. 3. ed. São Carlos: Ed. Claraluz, 2007.
MAINGUENEAU, Dominique. Analysis of texts in communication. São Paulo: Cortez, 3rd edition, 2004.


Education, Communication and Media (60h)

Epistemological foundations and historical aspects of the interrelation between Communication and Education. Media and mediations. Media languages ​​and modes of learning. Communication, Education and new technologies. Media-education, social movements and school. Academic research in media-education.


ALMEIDA, Ligia Beatriz Carvalho de. Educommunication: Latin American thinking about education for the media and national literary production on the subject. XVI Celacom. Bauru: Une Sp, 2012.
APARICI, Roberto (org.). Educommunication: beyond the 2.0. São Paulo: Paulinas Editora, 2014.CITELLI, A. O. (Org.); COSTA, M.C. (Org.). Educommunication. Building a new area of knowledge. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2011. v. 1. 220 p. .
OROZCO GÓMEZ, Guillermo. Educommunication. Media reception, learning and citizenship. São Paulo: Paulinas, 2014.
RIVOLTELLA, Pier Cesare; FANTIN, Monica. Digital Culture and School, Research and Teacher Training. Campinas: UNICAMP, 2012.
SETTON, Maria da Graça. Media and Education. São Paulo: Context, 2011.


Search Seminar I and II (60h)

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Search Seminar III and IV (30h)

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