Egresso’s profile

The Program aims to promote the further education and development of professionals who are committed to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Communication. The students who graduate with a Master’s in Media and Everyday Life will be prepared to carry out research and teaching activities in Higher Education or work in areas which require specialized knowledge about media discourses and information technologies which relate to everyday social practices.

The dissertations produced by the students demonstrate a great level of research excellence with the possibility to apply the acquired knowledge in various different social, professional and regional contexts.

The program also intends to promote a critical reflection in the field of communication as well as in other areas of social and professional practice. This represents a demand which has not been fulfilled by the majority of the postgraduate programs in our region and country.

Based on this perspective, the program offers opportunities for research related to a critical engagement with the media, to the changes in the conditions of journalism and advertising production, to processes of digital convergence, audio visual and hypermedia narratives. Other interests include socially responsible, public and community-oriented advertising, ethics and communication, media’s conditions of reception, communicative aspects of social and cultural memories, and the relationships between Media and Education.

It is worth pointing out that that the program’s consolidation can be linked to these approaches’ great potential for being applied in formal and non-formal education practices, in developing a stronger regional media, visual communication in urban planning, community communication, devising public and private communication policies, conscious consumption campaigns, advocacy projects, social and digital inclusion with the so-called “third sector”, amongst other practical applications of the program’s research.