The NECEERS – Nucleus of Studies in Comunnication and Education, Ethnography and Social Representations – develops research, teaching, extension and innovation projects in the field of Education, in conjunction with contemporary themes in the field of Communication, at the interface of Media and Everyday-life studies. It works alongside Basic Education through an ethnographic research approach. It researches on cyberculture, digital media and their interfaces with everyday-life and school, focusing on the student’s perspective. Its epistemological line is based on the Theory of Social Representations, the studies of Paulo Freire, Erving Goffman, Pierre Lévy and Douglas Kellner.
The group seeks to create knowledge networks with national and international universities. Currently, it articulates with the International Observatory for Inclusion, Interculturality and Pedagogical Innovation (OIIIIPE).

  • Group Leader: Prof.a Dr.a Walcéa Alves

Research lines:

1.Contemporaneity, Education, Ethnography and Social Representations
2. Education and Social Representations
3. Education, Communication, Media and Daily Life
