Pedro Barreto Pereira

Doctor in Social Communication by the School of Communication at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ). Author of the Doctorate thesis “Narratives of law and order: an analysis of O Globo’s coverage of the Pacifying Police Units”, defended in March, 2017. Have as main topic of research the analysis of the coverage on Public Security. Coordinator of the Extension Course Media, Violence and Human Rights, promoted by the Nucleus of Public Policy Studies in Human Rights (Nepp-DH) of UFRJ. Is also journalist of the technical-administrative staff of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.

Project Developed at the PPGMC: Why do Security Matters? An analysis of the narratives about crime and violence at the coverage of the 1986 an 2018 elections.
Supervisor: Prof. Doc. Carla Baiense Félix.
Research Strand: Politics, discourses and society.
Period: 01/2019 to 12/2020